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What you should know before purchasing your first road bike

Elspeth Storrar

Updated: Jun 17, 2021

Mallorca’s local bike fitter Ignacio Goitia from Bicimetrics is sharing his expertise on what women should consider before purchasing their first road bike.

What are the best brands you would recommend?

Look at what is available in your local bike shop and make sure you can ask questions to the sales representative. Ensure they will give you a good after service, guarantees, advice and maintenance, plus you will be supporting your local bike shop.

What would be an ideal investment for a first bike?

A starter bike with 11 speed (your local bike shop can explain what that is) would set you back around £1000 - £1500. Many shops will offer credit, it is worth spending a little more to get everything right, so you won’t have to worry about it later.

Do I need to get a women’s specific frame?

It all depends on a fit. Generally for a first bike I go for a women’s specific fit.

Should I consider a second hand bike?

Yes, if the bicycle is up to specification for what you need it for. Have a look in the bike shop first and see what are the best options, if what you want is available second hand, just check that everything is up to specification as you don’t want to have to end up replacing lots of parts, so it might end up costing you more and you probably won’t be able to get it on credit.

Should I get a bike because I like the colour?

Yes, if it fits you well and will love riding it even more.

What things do I need to get right?

Most importantly make sure you get the correct size. Do you research on what size you should buy for the frame you want. Your bike shop should advise you. The most ideal scenario would be to see a bike fitter, I would definitely recommend getting a women's specific saddle or you will be complaining about comfort.

Should I get my bike with drop handlebars?

Yes, on a correctly fitted bike it will be easy to manoeuvre and you will build your confidence very quickly.

Should I start with wearing cleats and cycle shoes?

At the start it’s best not wear cleats until you can feel confident enough to go to the next step. Go directly to road shoes, their platform will make it feel better for pedalling. You will be lucky if you get away without falling, Experience is the best teacher. Practice by clipping on and off 10 times before every ride and practice on a quiet flat road.

Any other words of advice?

Don’t feel bad on the initial investment. You will enjoy years of riding on it every weekend.

If you have a road bike already and you want to get faster book a free discovery call to talk with me about your goals

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